How I support musicians from all over the world

Media outlet:

  • MUSIC REVIEWS: I share my personal thoughts about fresh new releases on this blog and on Instagram! 
  • WRITTEN INTERVIEWS on my Instagram account: 1 or 3 posts dedicated to each musicians so to expose them for an entire line of my profile! You will discover everything about their songwriting process, their point of view about life and music industry issues! 
  • SOCIAL MEDIA SHOUTOUT: I share music in my Instagram stories, I shout out new releases in my reel series "Laura's Picks" and sometimes I like to suprise musicians with a "Surprise Feature"!
  • VIDEOS about indie musicians on my YouTube Channel, please subscribe and I will follow back!
  • SPOTIFY PLAYLIST "Laura Meets Musicians" where I feature all my favourite indie songs from all over the world and it is constantly updated!
  • NEWSLETTER: I send the blog articles and news about the indie music world to the subscribers to my mailing list (that at the moment are 220+). You can subscribe to my mailing list here.

Support services:

  • MUSIC PROMOTION: I wrote a Guide to Online Music Promotion for DIY musicians, assembling everything I learned as a music blogger in the past 3 years. I noticed that often indie musicians lack of marketing skills or simply don't know how to move on social media. The key for everything is being OPEN and CONNECT with people, and I explained everything in detail in my Guide. DM me on Instagram if you're interested in getting a copy! Here's the list of the contents:
    Guide indie musicians music promotion
    Index of my Guide
  • ADVICE: Along with the Guide, I offer written personalised advice that means you can send me a list of questions about personal struggles with music promotion and I will answer them in a comprehensive and detailed way. These questions may include: feedback on unreleased music, analysis and advice about your Instagram page, help with bio/press release/EPK, etc.
  • BLOG DATABASE: I also offer my Blog Database, an excel sheet with a list of around 150 contacts of music blogs. I found those contacts on the internet, both on Google and on Instagram, so there aren't "secret contacts" there. It could be a good start to create your own database!
  • CONNECTION WITH PROFESSIONALS IN THE INDUSTRY: During the past 3 years, I got to connect with many professionals in the indie music community (producers, mix and sound engineers, string arrangers, etc) available to work in person or remotely to help musicians release their own music with excellent results. If you're struggling to find the professional for you, just send me a message and I will connect you with a trusted one!
  • TIPS AND TRICKS: I regularly post on my Instagram page informative content sharing quick tips and tricks about social media and music promotion!
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ONE OR MORE OF THE SERVICES I OFFER? Send me a DM on Instagram and we'll talk about it! Disclaimer: some of the services are for free, others are related to a donation to support my work and time (min: 7€, max: 20€).

Can't wait to hear from you!


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