"Killing it", the new honey-soaked single by Elif Dame, and the importance of taking a break
Elif Dame In this mid-August week, I found the perfect tune to ease you into the vacation vibes - "Killing It" by Amsterdam based artist Elif Dame. "Killing It" focuses on letting go and features warm, honey-soaked vocals, vibey beats from fellow Amsterdam artist GANZ, and hypnotic melodies which create an all-encompassing atmosphere. Plus, it is the result of a self-care hiatus that the artist took to take care of her mental health - I'm always more than happy to showcase on my blog the importance of taking breaks and breath a little, while the whole world is pushing us to just run, run, run (most of the times without a direction). But before, let's learn a little about Elif! Born to a jazz pianist and retail-clerk, the Amsterdam based Elif Dame (meaning "she who brings light") started practicing her creativity at a young age. Having her musical interests initially sparked by the likes of Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and the gospel genre, it wo...